Convention of Patients Associations

Convention of Patients Associations aims at giving information about research on rare genetic diseases and other projects (biobanks, clinical trials, disease registry, etc.) 

The event disseminates a culture of scientific research into rare genetic diseases and empower patients and patient associations so that they can become priority partners for researchers and regulators.

2023 Edition

The event dedicated to the Patient Associations will take place alongside the Telethon Scientific Convention, on 12-14 March 2023 in Riva Del Garda (TN).

2019 Edition

The event dedicated to the Patient Associations, Friends of Telethon will take place alongside the Telethon Scientific Convention, on 28-29 October in Riva Del Garda (TN). Oral presentations and discussions with representatives from the Associations are planned, and there will be opportunities to meet researchers during scientific poster sessions.